Communication has been an important element of the success of Bristol Legible City. Throughout the project, exhibitions and publications have shared the concepts, the background and the approach of Bristol Legible City.

You are here
Developed by the design team, ‘You are here’ was published to coincide with the Legible City exhibition in 1999. Explaining the reasons, the design solutions and how Legible City would progress, it was a picture of the future. Almost all of the concepts in the book have now been implemented.
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From here to there
This booklet outlines the approach for the integration of art and design within the Bristol Legible City concept. It is an advisory publication whose aim is to inform and inspire developers, architects, public art commissioners, artists and design professionals working in Bristol.
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Building Legible Cities

Written by Andrew Kelly, the Director of the Bristol Cultural Development
Partnership, ‘Building Legible Cities’ is an in-depth look at building new cities
and a new Bristol. How to handle creative partnerships and managing Legible cities to build a sense of place.
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Managing Partnerships
The increasing role of partnerships in the public realm and in the development of our communities are explored in this latest publication by Andrew Kelly and Melanie Kelly.
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